Our Vision

Every student leaves school confident they will succeed in life

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What guides us

Provide youth with opportunities to succeed, and they will thrive.
It starts with how well we educate the future generation.


Providing students with 21st-century skills is essential for their personal and professional growth, innovation, and success in a changing workforce.


To achieve success in education and sustainability, prioritize teacher well-being and empowerment. This is crucial for positive student outcomes and a strong education system.


To ensure equity in education, focus on support for underrepresented groups. Promote an inclusive environment that addresses the needs of students in rural and urban communities. 
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Meet the founders

Kellie Ryan

Kellie is a STE(A)M educator with more than 25 years of experience. She has extensive expertise in systems accreditation and is skilled in STE(A)M certification processes.

Phil Hill

Phil is an accomplished entrepreneur in the tech industry, as well as a seasoned non-profit executive. Over the course of 25 years, he has leveraged innovation to drive positive social change.

21st century learning starts here!

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